Closer than ever

Cleo Bunker Site
For the animal lovers and the wild life admirers who never had the chance to observe closely a wild animal in his own natural and wild habitat, the “Libearty” Bear Sanctuary offers this opportunity for the interested ones to watch, observe and even take pictures of some bears from the sanctuary living in the third forest enclosure. From the Bunker that was built specially in this purpose, people can closely observe the behavior of a brown bear in the wild.
The bear from the picture above is Cleo. She came down from the forest to the pool to drink water, but for those watching her from the Bunker it was more than just a simple daily activity of a bear. The emotions are getting bigger starting from the moment you see her coming out from the bushes because you never know what is going to happen next. Is she going to the pool? Will she take a bath or she will only drink water? You just stay still and observe her in quiet and although she can’t see you standing in the bunker you wish you could hide better and for a few moments even your own breath seems to be too loud.
How many have the chance to be part of a bear’s life even for a few seconds and witness one of it’s daily habits?