//Hope watches his brothers, from The Great Bear constellation

Hope watches his brothers, from The Great Bear constellation

A few short whimpers and a long sigh of relief were heard from Hope's quarantine room. Her caretaker was sadly caressing him and was next to the bear cub until the moments it said „Good bye!“ to this world. The infection was too tough for him and his body was too weak to face it. 

Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of the people who met him and tried as good as they can to help him, we have to announce that Hope, as we called the bear cub with an amputated leg, completes The Great Bear Constellation.

The bear cub, aged one year and four months, died just before dawn. The serious infection that he had at the amputated leg had managed to widen all over his body, causing septicaemia. His weak body, too small and fragile for his age, could not reply to the antibiotics' treatment and gave up. 

Hope went in the Libearty sanctuary two nights ago, as an emergency from Valea Jiului area, where he was found in a tunnel railway, seriously injured at his back left foot, with an old open wound, full of flies and worms. He was taken directly in the veterinary facility, where the only solution to keep him alive was to amputate the affected leg. Although he woke up after the anesthesia and ate some bread and honey, his condition remained critical. He was given painkillers to relieve his pain and antibiotics but, unfortunately, these did not work and the body of the poor animal could not fight the disease anymore. 

We raise our eyes to the sky, with sorrow, and admire The Great Bear constellation every night, where a small little star, named Hope, belongs to. We know that Maya, Charles and Ursula warmly welcome Hope, and above all, we know that the atrocious pain  of the bear cub ended forever.   

2019-02-14T07:17:19+00:008 Jun 2018|Bears|