//Miracles happens in Libearty!

Miracles happens in Libearty!

Shy, with cataract-blurred eyes, Tanya met AMP Libearty forest! How beautiful the trees smell, how quiet it is, how good it is to sit in the sun and have grass under your feet! All after 34 years of undeserved captivity in a small pen with concrete and iron bars.

A new life has begun for Tanya. From now on, the old bear is part of the forest as every bear deserves.

Read her full story here: https://millionsoffriends.org/en/a-lifetime-behind-bars/

Donate to feed the bears: https://www.facebook.com/donate/247654236554046/3617117481636397/

We thank our partners at WTG Germany for the financial support for the road and the emergency medical treatment needed in this case. You are wonderful, as usual!

2020-07-13T10:05:19+00:0013 Jul 2020|Uncategorized|