//Only through education we can change the young generation!

Only through education we can change the young generation!

lectie sc 8 2 lectie sc 8

The lack of education on animal welfare, now tell his word by the large number of dogs abandoned on the streets. The missing collar with the owner’s phone number, the missing microchip, abandoning puppies in garbage cans, the preconceived rejection of the idea of castration and sterilization, and also the negative events pushing responsibility towards animals whenever a tragedy happens – all these are effects of the lack of education in the interests of the animals. “In the current context created by the approval of euthanasia law, due to the hysteria created nationwide by the fear of stray dogs, we believe that one of the long-term solutions– without which this phenomenon can’t be stopped – is Education. Besides, the lack of education in the spirit of castrating the animals with owners and of adopting stray dogs, leaded to the present situation. Therefore we turn our attention to children and teens, in order to change the hostile mentality and to create a better future for animals”, declared the AMP president, Cristina Lapis.

Someone had to make the first step, thus AMP started an important project in schools in late September – an hour in classes, dedicated to Animal Welfare. The pilot project, initiated by AMP in partnership with Brasov City Hall and the Love Underdog organization from UK, began at Andrei Muresianu Theoretical High School, continuing subsequently at School no.8 from Brasov. “It is a civic education class in the spirit of protection and respect for animals, for gymnasium level classrooms in Brasov County. During lessons, we will try to instill children the respect for animals, to show them all the solutions at hand to stop the “stray dogs” phenomenon, and also how wild animals can be protected in their natural environment”, said Cristina Lapis, president of AMP.
Read in the article written by Buna Ziua Brasov newspaper, how the first lessons were conducted. http://www.bzb.ro/stire/un-pic-de-educatie-n-ar-strica-nici-cand-vine-vorba-de-maidanezi-a64427

2019-02-13T15:01:09+00:0014 Oct 2013|Uncategorized|