Schaeffler Romania adopted Catarina, from the Libearty bear sanctuary

Schaeffler Romania is the first and the biggest german company in Brasov that decided to involve in the welfare and protection of the bears in the Libearty sanctuary! The company from Brasov decided to support financially Catarina’s (well known under the name of Ina) care and treatment for 2017. Schaffler Romania became, though, the unique adopter of the female bear.

„We are pleased that an important investor in Brasov, with respect towards nature, joins our efforts and involves in the protection of the environment and of the animals. They build the ecosystem that makes possible for us to live, as we know. The involvement of the companies represents an essential support to remove a vice that blots our entire society: the bad treatments of animals“, says Cristina Lapis, the president of The Millions of Friends Association.

Schaeffler România involved in lots of projects and social programs, one of them being the environment. In its public commitment, they say: „we assume the resposibility  for our environment“. Catarina’s adoption represents, though, the application of the corporate social responsibility.

„Since the beginning of 2002, Schaeffler România and its employees involved in social activites in order to create a better present and a more promising future. Thus, the environmental protection and the protection of animals are iconic for our values and Catarina is the perfect ambassador for these”, said Ana Bobancu, CSR coordinator for Schaeffler Romania.

The female bear was chosen as Schaeffler has been activating in the automoive, industrial and aerospace industries, in Brasov, through three internationally known brands: LuK, INA and FAG.

The monthly expenses for each of the 97 bears that enjoy the silence and happiness in the largest sanctuary for brown bears in the world – Libearty, reach 500 euros/month. The involvement of large companies is a proof of their keen intereset towards society,  besides the jobs they generated and the development of the region they act in.

2019-04-17T08:31:36+00:0011 Oct 2017|Uncategorized|