Sweet reunion after 24 years!

Without narrow and miserable cages, without tricks, without the whip of the trainer, without long roades between cities…, just silence, love and care. It is wonderful to see them so happy, as they were not in the 24 years of captivity. But those days are over! The two were released in the acommodation area, and when they will be ready it will be moved to a 28 hectare yard!

Together, but separated!

They saw and smelled each other, as they were kept in neighboring cages for 24 years, but the moment they had finally met up close was heartwarmimg. Although we were warned that they are extremly agressive with each other, the reality was completly different. They embraced as only two sisters can do and they shed tears from the eyes of those preset.

There is a period of accommodation with the oak forest in Libearty, with too much light outside, with strange noises for them, with curious bears watching for the other side. Nobody can say now how long this step will take because the hardest thing for them will be to accommodate with FREEDOM! After 24 years of captivity, the two are still waiting at the door for the trainer’s orders and they hardly dare to walk away more than the cage that was their home and which was 1.7 by 1.5 meters allowed.




2019-10-10T11:54:39+00:0010 Oct 2019|Bears|