The Visitors Centre is finished

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Half a year after construction began, the Visitor Reception Centre is finished. Financed by the German NGO Welttierschutzgesselschaft e.V for EUR 55,000the building will serve as an information center where visitors can learn about AMP’s mission to rescue captive bears in Romania. 
The work started in December 2012 when a water treatment plant was installed. After a winter of heavy snow, work resumed, and in the last few weeks the interior and exterior painting was completed. A large LCD TV has been installed, to run the documentaries showing the efforts made for the release of captive bears.

The center will serve as a meeting and starting point of the educational tours inside the Sanctuary, guides will be available for all visitors. „ The assisted visits allow animal lovers  to see how animals are cared for, and observe first-hand the life the bears enjoy in the Sanctuary after long periods of suffering in captivity. Only in this way can visitors understand why wild animals should not be kept in captivity”, said Cristina Lapis, the president of AMP.

2019-02-13T14:59:26+00:0021 Jun 2013|Bears|