//Eva has found peace in Prince Charles’ enclosure

Eva has found peace in Prince Charles’ enclosure

eva 3

Since she was first brought to the Training Area, a small forest enclosure for new rescued bears, Eva has been one of the most „well behaved” bears in the entire sanctuary. Relieved from the burden of caring for her 6 year old son (in the wild, cubs leave their mother at the age of 2), in a Braila Zoo (a city in S-E of Romania), the 32 years old female has found peace and tranqulity in the sanctuary. She spent a couple of months in the Training Area, walking trough the thick grass and drinking spring-water from the swimming pool. Measuring each step with her skinny legs, she inhaled the scent of the oaks, blown by the wind trough the oak forest. In July, she was ready to make the next step – making some friends.
The sanctuary team transfered Eva to the area for bears with special needs. This area is located at the right side of the sanctuary, and contains bears with disabilities or really old ones. For transportation, the bear had to be tranquilized, moved in the transportation cage and carried with a bulldozer. She doesn’t weigh more than 200 kilos, but it’s enough to take special measures for transportation. The administration of the sanctuary decided to put Eva in Prince Charles’ enclosure. Since 2012, Prince Charles – probably the oldest bear in Romania, has lived in this forest enclosure. Since this spring, an old wolf – Luna joined the enclosure and managed to create a friendly relationship with the bear.
Today, Eva is still shy. Charles and Luna don’t show too much interest in her, and her priority is to get used with the wide area, the bushes and the wallnut trees. It takes time to create friendships and we are confident that being old and wise, these 3 animals will make a nice „gang”.

2019-02-13T15:07:51+00:0029 Sep 2014|Uncategorized|